
Publications in reversed chronological order.


  1. Pre Print
    Formalising the law of diminishing returns in metabolic networks using an electrical analogy
    Petrizzelli, Marianyela, Coton, Charlotte, and De-Vienne, Dominique
    Research Square 2023


  1. PLoS Comp Biol
    Data integration uncovers the metabolic bases of phenotypic variation in yeast
    Petrizzelli, Marianyela Sabina, de-Vienne, Dominique, Nidelet, Thibault, Noûs, Camille, and Dillmann, Christine
    PLoS Computational Biology 2021
  2. Methods Mol Biol
    Systems biology analysis for Ewing sarcoma
    Petrizzelli, Marianyela, Merlevede, Jane, and Zinovyev, Andrei
  3. iScience
    The multilayer community structure of medulloblastoma
    Núñez-Carpintero, Iker,  Petrizzelli, Marianyela, Zinovyev, Andrei, Cirillo, Davide, and Valencia, Alfonso
    Iscience 2021


  1. Front Genet
    Probabilities of multilocus genotypes in SIB recombinant inbred lines
    Jebreen, Kamel,  Petrizzelli, Marianyela, and Martin, Olivier C
    Frontiers in genetics 2019
  2. Genetics
    Decoupling the variances of heterosis and inbreeding effects is evidenced in yeast’s life-history and proteomic traits
    Petrizzelli, Marianyela, de-Vienne, Dominique, and Dillmann, Christine
    Genetics 2019
  3. Thesis
    Petrizzelli, M. (2019). Mathematical modelling and integration of complex biological data: analysis of the heterosis phenomenon in yeast. Université Paris Saclay.