Marianyela Petrizzelli

Principal Data Scientist - AI for Precision Medicine

82 Av. Raspail, 94250, Gentilly - France Marianyela Petrizzelli



Principal Data Scientist - AI for Precision Medicine (January 2023 - Present)
Sanofi Digital R&D, R&D Data and Computational Science

• Developed Shiny/Streamlit applications for exploration of complex single-cell results (e.g., ligand-receptor interactions, gene regulatory networks, differentially expressed genes, gene ontologies, patient stratification).
• Trained foundation single-cell large language models (scLLMs) with publicly and/or internally available single-cell datasets to build disease-associated scLLMs.
• Applied cutting-edge ML and AI techniques for the analysis of large complex (multimodal) omics datasets.
• Proposed and supervised a master’s-level internship on a Computational Systems Biology project.
• Leveraged collaborations both internally and externally to accelerate biomarker discovery.
• Adopted the Agile way of working.

Keywords: Generative AI, Single-cell omics data, Immuno-oncology.

Postdoctoral Researcher (September 2019 - January 2023)
Institut Curie, PSL Research University, INSERM U900, MINES ParisTech, F-75006 Paris, France.

• Performed advanced statistical analysis of large complex omics datasets.
• Developed methods for multi-level data representation (multi-level networks) and integration (e.g.,
• Designed pipelines to analyze interaction networks of statistical associations among features (genes) and similarity networks among observations (patients).
• Created pipelines that integrate machine learning and optimization techniques to model cell metabolism.
• Produced a data catalog containing links to Ewing sarcoma omics datasets (
• Collaborated with biologists, computational biologists, engineers, and physicists within the H2020-ICT-2018-2 individualized Pediatric Cure project to design algorithms that address cancer-specific questions.

Keywords: Network reconstruction and analysis, Investigation of potency mesures, Mathematical modeling.

Junior lecturer and assistant professor (September 2018 - Present)
Université Paris Descartes

• I was responsible of the evaluation of my students.
• I managed class activities to enhance learning.
• I participate to the internship’s jury of my students.

Keywords: Mathematics, Applied statistics, Probability.

Junior lecturer and assistant professor (September 2016 - August 2018)
IUT d'Orsay

Keywords: Analysis, trigonometry and complex numbers, Python, Data analysis.

Research intern (January 2015 - April 2015)
Institut National de Recherche Agronomique – GQE – Le Moulon

Second-year master research internship in population genetics, under the supervision of O. Martin.
• I developed a general model able to calculate the probabilities of multi-locus genotypes in brother and sister mating.
• I constructed the associated algorithm in R. I showed a practical application of the model for data imputation.

Keywords: Computational biology, Evolution, Simulations.


Doctor of Philosophy in (2015 - 2019) Life-science
Institution: Université Paris-Saclay

• I lead this interdisciplinary project at the interface between mathematics, statistics, and biology. It involved modeling and analysis of complex biological data. I performed multivariate analysis and clustering considering the cross design on which the data was measured. I constructed a unique statistical model and performed clustering analysis to disentangle hybrid vigor and inbreeding depression.
• I proposed a novel model to predict metabolic fluxes from proteomics data which involved an integrative approach. Keywords: modeling, data analysis, data mining, machine learning, bio-statistics, genetics, big data, hybrid vigor, inbreeding, diallel design, constraint-based model, metabolism, yeast

Ph.D. Thesis: “Mathematical modelling and integration of complex biological data: analysis of the heterosis phenomenon in yeast”.
Mentor/s: Christine Dillmann, Dominique de Vienne.

Master degree in (2013 - 2015) Physics of complex systems
Institution: Politecnico of Turin

The course was organized in four semesters: 1° semester in Trieste at SISSA and ICTP. 2° semester in Torino at Politecnico di Torino University. 3° semester in Paris at a consortium involving Universities Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Diderot, Paris Sud and the Ecole Normale Superieure. 4° semester was devoted to a research stage and to the European multidisciplinary Spring College in Trieste at ICTP.

Master Thesis: “Multilocus probabilities in the presence of genetic recombination“.
Mentor/s: Olivier Martin

Bachelor degree in (2009 - 2013) Mathematics
Institution: University of Trento

Bachelor Thesis: “On the Preisach model for hysteresis: from the deterministic case to the stochastic one”.
Mentor/s: Fabio Bagagiolo






Generative AI
Machine learning
Data-driven models
Systems Biology
Computational Biology
Cell development
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